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Policy Development

Arizona Restaurant Association || Government Affairs Committee

2023 Legislative Proposals

ARA members are invited to submit policy proposals to be considered for the ARA’s policy platform.  Please use the “2023 Legislative Proposal Submission Form” included below or fill out the form included on this page.  If you would prefer to use the PDF “2023 Legislative Proposal Submission Form,” please download the document, fill it out, and email it to [email protected] .


2022 Legislative Proposal Submission Form

Please fill out the following sections to the best of your ability. Don't worry if you can't fill everything out, we are just looking for as much information as you have. If you have any questions or would like to discuss something further, please contact Dan Bogert by phone (602-307-9134 ext. 122) or by email at [email protected].

  • What problem are you trying to solve? What enhancements are you looking for (i.e. decreasing regulation).
  • Please identify the law, ordinance or regulation that is creating the problem. If you do not know the exact law, ordinance, or regulation, please provide as much information as possible, such as the agency responsible for enforcement.
  • What is the fiscal impact to your business? Will this proposal save you money? Will this proposal impact state, county or city revenue (will it lower tax or fee revenue)?
  • Please identify other groups/organizations that could be impacted by this change. Do you know of any other industries, trade groups, consumer advocate groups, or unions that would support or oppose this change?
  • Who should we contact in your organization if we need more information or clarification?
    NamePhone #Email