Vendor Member
New Member Highlight
Our New Member Highlight introduces your business in our weekly “On the Menu” e-newsletter sent to all members
Complimentary Listing on ARA’s Buyer’s Guide
Access to Restaurant Member List
Access to our Restaurant Member List includes contact names and phone numbers.
Free Subscription to ARA Publications
Publications + Electronic News Sources
- On the Menu newsletter
- Monthly Arizona Restaurant News newsletter

Advertise in Our Publications
Opportunity to advertise in our publications and enjoy discounted rates!
See our Media Kit for more information.
Network with Industry Leaders
Build and enhance relationships with restaurateurs and other businesses at our following events:
- Foodist Awards
- ARA Golf Classics
- Educational Forums
- ARA’s Charitable event, Raise the Rooftop
Proudly Show Off the ARA Logo
Utilize our ARA logo on your collateral and website to show your support of the industry.
Create a Member Discount
Create a discount for ARA members. We will promote this in upcoming newsletters!
Membership Dues

# of Employees | Annual Dues |
100+ | $600 |
25-99 | $500 |
6-24 | $400 |
1-5 | $300 |